Wednesday 19 August 2015

Making Learning Easy & Joyous- Part 2

What makes the classroom experience worthwhile? This, I believe, is a fundamental question for teachers who seek to understand what they do and improve at it.

This question is crucial because, as alternative methods of instruction and content delivery evolve and multiply, the answers to it will determine the character and shape—indeed the very existence—of our profession in the long run.

It has become a cherished tribal ritual of a sort for college teachers to lament their students’ ever-eroding attendance, participation, attention spans, and fashion sense, and to conveniently attribute these trends to varied sources safely removed from our classroom: contemporary teen culture with its conflicting messages and noisy, shallow preoccupations; shoddy high-schools; broken homes.

The honest question for us in this context is:

1Q.)Why should students show up for class?

2Q.)What unique value is offered in your class that should compel a student to get up for it at 8 am early in the morning? OR sacrificing a lovely evening with friends?

3Q.)What happens in your classroom that justifies the serious effort and rising expense involved in continual attendance?

4Q.)What are you providing in the classroom that cannot be obtained elsewhere—in the textbook, in the newspaper, on the Internet, on TV, or in the library—with far greater convenience and at less expense?

Waiting for your thoughtful inputs…

I am working on the above mentioned queries…..

Please keep visiting the blog for the answers to the questions asked !!!

(Asst. Professor)

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